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Turning Interest Into Action

There are benefits to membership!

The Florida West Coast Orchid Society members have access to water testing, members-only events, special sales and discounts at local vendors and supporters. 


Long-time members have decades of experience growing award-winning orchids and are eager to share their knowledge with you. 

In addition, Society meetings feature informative talks from orchid experts. Former speakers include Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids, Prem Subrahmanyam Sr., of Florida Native Orchids, Norman Fang of, Art Chadwick of Chadwick & Son Orchids, Bill Thoms and other prominent members of the community.  


Single memberships are just $20 per calendar year.


You can join by completing the membership form below and submitting by postal mail, email or in person at a meeting.


Payment can be submitted by check via postal mail, in person at a meeting or online by clicking the links below.


To pay for your membership online, click below:

 Single membership

Family membership

Lifetime membership.   

If you pay online, please remember to fill out the membership form and send it via email or drop it off at our next monthly meeting and include a note to us that your dues were paid online.

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©2024 by Florida West Coast Orchid Society.

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