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We value the support and sponsorship of our local growers and vendors.  Please show your appreciation by visiting our local growers and vendors.  


Accent Orchids

Art Stone Orchids (10% discount on all Greenhouse purchases, mention FWCOS)

Del Favero Orchids

OFE Orchid Supplies (10% off at Tamiami Show with Society ID)

Palmer Orchids

Ritter Tropic 1 Orchids

Phelps Farm

Smiley Orchids

Willow Tree Nursery 

H&R Nurseries 

Wilcox Nursery

Golden Rain Nursery

Dyna-Gro (20% off orders placed through the society) 

Green Barn Orchid Supplies (10% off, excluding shipping, mention FWCOS in message)

RePotMe ($5 off)

Goodwin Orchids 

Miranda Orchids

Krull-Smith Orchids

Gross Orchids

Garden Trails Orchid Supplies 

Meke Aloha Orchids


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